Thursday, May 11, 2006

Knoxville Habitat Women Build

Knoxville Habitat Women Build-- this saturday kicks off this great event in Knoxville. Barry, Mel and I will all be capturing images to document the building of this house. We really believe this a wonderful community organization. We would love to see you there. The really great thing about it -- well it is being totally constructed by women. ok--- Barry gets a little miffed by leaving the guys out of the picture-- but what a great way to celebrate mother's day. Loads of local celebs will be working on different days and helping out. We will be posting images online-- go to and click on Women Build and then pick which day you want to view. All proceeds from the sale of these images will go right to our Knoxville Habitat.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Is there a doctor in the House??

Turning 40 -- well 42 this year and I am starting to count my friends and family with breast cancer. First and foremost my best friend and mother-in-law. It makes it so much different when it it home. They both are having positive attitudes about the situation which I am sure is helping them tremendously!! What is the prevelant thought? Is it that we are getting it treated earlier and they know what it is -- or are we eating and absorping so much ?(&*(&*^!! -- any opinions appreciated. As well as prayer for both of them.

One in the morning

One child is really good at getting up for school the other we have to drag out. Grace is so good that she woke up at 1a.m. dressed and ready for school --I popped her bubble and told her to go back to sleep- whew!!