Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday, September 05, 2008

quotes I like and are good and SIMPLE

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris
Why the fancy fabric?? I really like clean lines. Not fuzzy and frumpy stuff to be part of our home. But I love William Morris. It is the only patterned fabric that we have in our home. I like his belief and system and what he accomplished and created as an artist. Near where Barry's mom lives in England I found a really cool drapery shop that had the fabric for pennies.. well that was before the dollar was so bad to the pound!! It is Simon Boyd in Knutsford, Cheshire. What a great place and ideas!!
Another great place I have found is http://simplemom.net/about-simple-mom/. Check it out!! Great ways to organize, budget, plan-- basically be a mom -- smarter not harder!! HA HA!!

Meredith Keuster, her girls and decorating

Meredith and her sister, Paige Moncier are so much fun!! We created portraits for both families this past summer. Meredith just sent me these images of how she displayed her selections in her home. I Love it!! Hope this also gives others ideas of how to display images in their home. the sconces look great beside the portraits and her use of color is wonderful. A BIG THANKS MEREDITH!!

Mark and Karen Holland and Family

I can't take credit for the for the image below. It is Barry's. While I prefer to work in the studio and only in black and white. He prefers the outdoors. Hope that will keep us married for 13 more years!!! This image was taken last fall. Karen and Mark Holland's "children" have all been adopted from various needy situations. The Hollands got to know us thru the Patricia Neal Auction. If you are out and about and "hitting" the party scene this fall keep an eye out for our work. We feel that giving back thru or time and talents is a win/ win for all. See ya soon!!